Ellie Yell (she/her)
Coach & Facilitator
MSc Occupational Psychology. Power MBA. Certified coach. Qualified in a range of psychometric tools including Hogan's, OPQ, Leadership styles and Organisational Climate and emotional intelligence tools including ESCI. Highly experienced Behavioural Event interviewer. Particular expertise in Early Talent (attraction > hiring> development > retention) and sits on the apprenticeship steering committee for UCAS in the UK.
Current Clients
15+ years working across talent, leadership and assessment. Experienced in competency model, leadership, talent and assessment design and delivery. Ed-tech entrepreneur and global SLT leader in an Ed-tech Unicorn through a period of hyper growth. Passionate about education, future skills and developing future talent.
Others Say
"Ellie has an unmatched speed of thought, intuition for getting to the heart of the matter and tenacity to make great things happen. She is a catalyst for progress and positive change and inspires others to make strides forward. I can honestly say that I have never met anyone quite like Ellie. She is the brightest, most optimistic and bravest person; her sense of purpose sets the world alight."