Workplace Inclusion, Accessibility (both physical and digital), Bringing Lived Experience to the Table, Game Changing Index Certified, Talogy Perceptions (Inclusive Leadership Behaviours) Certified, Disability Recruitment (Attraction, Retention and Development), Professional Coach (pending my Level 5 results)
Current Clients
Mildon Ltd, WebUsability, Hassell Inclusion, Spinal Muscular Atrophy UK, Burgess Salmon, Roche, NHS, Buddies For All CIC, With Not For, Diageo
Five years experience as a business owner and entrepreneur, serial start-up employee, and lived experience of living with a disability. Held consultancy positions in EDI, Strategic Advisory, NHS, pharmaceuticals and charitable organisations.
Others Say
If you have the pleasure of working with Luis, be prepared to smile, laugh, learn, and feel inspired. Luis and I have worked together as EDI consultants and one of his greatest strengths is his ability to connect with people, whether that’s through email (which isn’t easy), on a call, at a networking event, or standing on stage in front of hundreds. As a colleague, Luis pushes you to be the best version of yourself. He has a real gift for spotting the strengths of his teammates, offering support when needed, and always being there to listen. He communicates with passion, humour, and warmth, and the impact of his workshops speaks for itself. When you work alongside Luis, expect to learn from him, whether that’s in how to be a better communicator, a more thoughtful coach, or an even stronger ally for disabled colleagues. He’s someone who leads by example, both in his work and in how he supports others.