In a nutshell
Trust is widely regarded as the foundation of human collaboration and proven to be a powerful enabler of performance. Without trust, teamwork is all but impossible and the impact is clearly felt on an organisation’s performance.
Whilst trust can also be seen as vague and abstract in the business context, trust can actually be focused & specific in driving outcomes. With high levels of trust, we can better push through adversity, take responsibility for performance and enhance our own and others leadership skills.
During this experience we will explore Trust in Self, Trust with Others and Trust in Situations to better understand how Trust contributes to critical outcomes. Using a ‘Trust Positioning System’ (TPS) we will measure and analyse how trust is developed between people, with things and in situations where outcomes really matter.
In the end you will leave with a strategy that prioritises key actions that build trust and serves a clear goal.
In this 3 hr session we will:
- Explore the types of trust and the core components that it is made up of
- Demonstrate how leaders can build deep trust
- Identify the critical moments that build and/or destroy trust
What impact can this have for our team
- Improved team trust
- Better inclusion
- Clear dynamics
- Best outcomes